Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Getting Started on RenWeb- First time users

RenWeb is an internet based application that allows you to view your current grades, your schedules and your assignments.  In addition, a weekly report card Called the Friday Report is published and available for view from Friday to Weds that contains comments and grades (grades snapshot only from that Friday) for you to review.

 How Do I get To RenWeb?
You will receive an email from the IT department that will give you a sign on name and password to use.  Go to MillSprings Website and click on Student (top of website), then click on the RenWeb Logo.

Click on the First Time User’s tab,  in the email field, enter your Mill Springs Email. Click New Student Login your password will be sent to your email. Make sure that the District field has MS-Ga displaying
Parents if you have supplied us with your email, you may also log in using the email you provided the school.  Click on New Parent Login to complete your sign on to RenWeb.
You will be emailed your password. You will then Click on the appropriate tab (Parents or Student) to sign in with your email and sent password.

Student Classes 2nd Semester

You may be seeing a few confusing things in your RenWeb screens.  For instance you student appears to be in 2 Lit classes but different teachers this semester.  Well this is a bit of a "bug" that has been reported to RenWeb.  It basically happens because the student was moved into a different section the 2nd semester but the class has students from both 1st and 2nd semester still in the class.

To see the correct semester classes (hopefully RenWeb will fix this soon) you should go to the Student Information section and view the home page there.

This is what you will see when you go to the Classes option.  In this case it appears that the student has two Classes in a Pre-Algebra and World Cultures.  This is not the place to look for homework.

Instead click on the Student Information Section on the right and view the assignments from that section.